3 Ways To Coach High School Football Better

Over the past fourteen years FirstDown PlayBook has learned a thing or two about high school football coaching. Here are some of the lessons we have learned. Most of you are underpaid and all of you don’t have near enough time to get done what you need to. Very few of you have control of your budget, which puts you at a huge disadvantage from jump start.
The politics that come with getting a head job at the high school football level are real. This can often mean that after you get the head coaching job, you are left with little to no leverage. Leverage is what it sometimes takes to get the tools you need to win and do your players justice.
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Up and coming offensive, defensive and special teams coordinators are the ones who are often caught up in this as well. They are the planners, the organizers, and well, the coordinators. Subsequently, talented coordinators teach with subpar coaching tools which affects the entire program. This all trickles down to young assistant coaches who just want to contribute and essentially learn how to coach.
Got A Trick Play Up Your Sleeve? Cool But Be Careful…
FirstDown PlayBook has worked hard to help coaches at all levels. This has meant helping flag football coaches and players of all ages. We have disrupted the youth football world by finally offering them a real football playbook by real coaches. However, the high school football coaching profession may be the most diverse. We have tailored our high school football coaching tool so that there is something for everyone.
We Offer Three Different Plans To Help You Coach High School Football Better

We have structured our memberships to fit high school football coaches at all points in their careers and all programs of every size. If you are on a Texas high school football staff that has 16 coaches, we offer you the best football playbook option. If you are coaching 6 man high school football in a small state, the same is true.
The FirstDown PlayBook Scouting Report Tool Is A Huge Time Saver
There are two things that we can say with certainty. If you are a head high school football coach and you are not using FirstDown PlayBook one of two things is true and maybe both. You are not using the best football playbook tool you could be. You also may be getting fleeced by paying two or three times what we charge. If you doubt this, we offer a free week trial to any high school football coach willing to look.
So that brings us to the point today. As you can see above, FirstDown PlayBook offers a high school football coach three distinct ways to coach better. There is a a annual Full Team account, a 6 month Full Team account and a Single User account. You can always move from one level to the other and never lose your work. FirstDown PlayBook will grow with your team and career right along with you as you grow.