First Down PlayBook Installs

One of the biggest things that sets FirstDown PlayBook apart is that we have not forgotten the football. Yes, we provide you with the best playbook technology available. However, we also provide you with regular FirstDown Playbook installs that are relevant to coaching your football team.
The installs have been a regular part of FirstDown PlayBook now for a decade. We have adjusted how we alert you to them over the years. One of the best ways to keep up with them if you are not a member is to follow your Coaches Community website. We will give you a taste of what the FirstDown PlayBook coaches are getting each week there.
If you are a FirstDown PlayBook coach the installs will show up in your dashboard. We will also add an install tag so that they are very easy to find. So keep your head on a swivel because FirstDown PlayBook is always adding new ways to help your football team.

Football Scouting Report Made Easy
Many high school football and small college football programs do not provide a football scouting report because they think it is too hard....

FirstDown PlayBook Spread Wing T PlayBook
It is now easier than ever to find your FirstDown PlayBook Spread Wing T PlayBook. We have put it in your "Find A PlayBook" section....

Dissect Specific 7on7 Coverages
When you line up to compete in a 7on7 event you normally have a pretty good idea what 7on7 coverage you will see. Attack that coverage....

6 Month Full Team Membership Gets You To August
All good football coaches prepare well before the football season begins. A 6 month FirstDown PlayBook allows you to do that right now....

FirstDown PlayBook App Available For All Users
The FirstDown PlayBook app is now available for Single User members and Full Team members. Here is how you download the app!...

Spread Or Wing T Or Both. We Got It.
Every year the high school debate rages. What is better? The Spread offense or the Wing T offense? As a head coach, you better know both....

FirstDown PlayBook Formation Guide
How does FirstDown PlayBook make it so easy to find formations, plays and defenses? It all starts with the FirstDown PlayBook formation guide....

PlayBook Tech: 3 Things To Look For In 2025
Happy New Year! Thank you for allowing us to serve coaches for 14 years. Here are 3 things to look for from PlayBook Tech in 2025!...

FirstDown PlayBook Route Tree Help
All good passing offenses start with teaching and installing a route tree. Without this your quarterback and receivers will struggle....

FirstDown PlayBook 7on7 Dagger Concept
The FirstDown PlayBook 7on7 Dagger concept puts defenders in conflict of assignment as they carry a vertical and try to be sound underneath....

Can’t Draw Football Plays? You Don’t Know It.
FirstDown PlayBook thinks there is a difference in a football fan and a football expert. An expert should be able to draw football plays....

Lock Your FirstDown PlayBook Price In Now
You can lock your FirstDown PlayBook price in forever at $700/annual or $400/6 month if you do it before January....