Flag Football Plays

Step Up Your Adult Flag Football Game
Necessity is the mother of invention. That's why adult flag football is evolving with or without you. The 2028 Olympics will accelerate this....

Disrupt Flag Football Routes Before They Get Started
With flag football routes a lot of the flag football defense work can be done early before the passing play ever gets started....

Football PlayBook Player Sizes By Age
What you need for your football playbook drawings is as different as the age of the players you coach. FirstDown PlayBook gets that....

NFL Flag Football Smash Concept
The NFL Flag Football Smash Concept Has Several Things That Make It A Great Flag Football Play For Leagues That Allow Shield Blocking...

Pro Bowl Games Are One Version Of Flag Football
The Pro Bowl Games will feature flag football for the third year. There is hope that the NFL will understand that it is not 7on7 football....

6 Month Full Team Membership Gets You To August
All good football coaches prepare well before the football season begins. A 6 month FirstDown PlayBook allows you to do that right now....

Create For Your Flag Football Quarterback
Stop being lazy and expecting your flag football quarterback to bail your offense out just because you have not game planned well....

Flag Football Numbers? FirstDown PlayBook Has You Covered.
Here at FirstDown PlayBook we understand that some of you play with different flag football numbers. We have you covered....

Can’t Draw Football Plays? You Don’t Know It.
FirstDown PlayBook thinks there is a difference in a football fan and a football expert. An expert should be able to draw football plays....

Flag Football Is The Wild Wild West Right Now
Flag football is the wild wild west right now. So many moving parts and that can bite you if you don't know what you are doing. ...

Flag Football Offense Progression Read
Incorporating progression reads into your flag football offense will help you eliminate sacks and give the defense multiple things to defend....

The Detroit Lions & Your Flag Football Hook & Ladder
The Detroit Lions pulled off a version of the Hook & Ladder recently that reinforces why you should have this in your flag football playbook....