About PlayBook Tech

PlayBook Tech, Inc., is a sports software company based in Tennessee. The company is conceived by Coach Charlie Coiner, a 30-year veteran of NFL and NCAA football. The mission is to help coaches at all levels spend more time developing football players and less time consumed with designing plays.

PlayBook Tech Leadership Team

Charlie Coiner

Coach Charlie Coiner, Founder

How does a stellar football-coaching career begin? Certainly, nine years in the NFL and another 20 in the NCAA doesn’t happen by accident. A career like this happens when a coach knows how to develop talent—and knows how to win. In 1983, with no coaching experience, Waynesboro, Virginia native Charlie Coiner had big dreams and made a bold move by approaching a new, now national, coaching figure. His timing was perfect.

Read more about Charlie.

Mike Singletary, Hall of Famer and NFL Coach

Mike knows the difficulties from both sides of the game. Having been named to the Hall of Fame at every level of football, he knows how difficult it can be for players to learn, understand and execute game plans. As a former NFL Coach, Mike has experienced the challenges of breaking through to players so they see, and experience game preparation in new and different ways. Singletary’s vision, defensive drive, and position as the field general were crucial to the 1985 Chicago Bears SuperBowl victory.

Kendall Acho - COO, PlayBook Tech

Kendall Acho, Chief Operating Officer

Kendall Acho is the Chief Operating Officer for FirstDown PlayBook. Working closely with our Founder, Coach Charlie Coiner, Kendall is responsible for all operations, marketing, and partnerships within FirstDown PlayBook.

Jessica Castelli

Jessica Monteiro, Chief Technology Officer

Jessica Monteiro is the Chief Technology Officer at FirstDown PlayBook. With over 20 years of web development experience and 17 years in the digital advertising space, Jessica oversees all aspects of technology for the company, including product development, infrastructure, and analytics.

Adam Gum, Director of Sales, Youth & Flag Football

Cody Barber, Senior Software Engineer

Caleb Holfoth, High School & College Football Regional Sales Representative, East Coast & Canada

Grant Mollring, High School & College Football Regional Sales Representative, Midwest

Corey Heinz, High School & College Football Regional Sales Representative, West Coast

Jerry Brakel, Football Regional Sales Representative, Texas, Oklahoma & Louisiana