Can’t Complain About Football Budget & Waste Money

We like to talk about some of the good jobs we have had back when we were coaching. What we don’t talk as much about is that some of the places where we worked were not so great. Why? Because these places had a very limited football budget. Every penny had to be wisely spent because there was not much money to go around.
These places were far from the old “bar no expenses” approach. If you wanted to go somewhere recruiting or if you wanted to spend money on something, you had to justify it to your head coach or the athletic director. Our guess is that your budget is more like this, than say the budget at The University of Georgia.
FirstDown PlayBook understands that. The obvious question for us is, who do we cater to? There are at least a couple of ways to dissect this. If you look at what FirstDown PlayBook offers the coach, it would seem like we have followed our NFL or major college football roots. A closer look reveals something very different. We have you and your football budget in mind.
FirstDown PlayBook’s Team Membership Fits Any Football Budget
Let’s first consider the FirstDown PlayBook price vs others. We understand what some of you are paying for your playbook solution. We see it and hear about it. It is incredible to us that some of you are paying 5 maybe even 10 grand for the same thing we offer you. What is the price for a FirstDown PlayBook Team account? Consider this for a moment. FirstDown PlayBook can get you and your entire program up and running for $700. That is reasonable for any football budget.
The mistake that some coaches make is that they try to value their playbook solution by how much they pay for it. Big mistake. Here at FirstDown PlayBook we are coaches. We understand what your daily, weekly and monthly routine looks like. We have built FirstDown PlayBook specifically for that. The $700 price point allows coaches at all levels to use FirstDown PlayBook.
Refer Someone To FirstDown PlayBook & Receive $200!
Do NFL coaches and Power 5 coaches use FirstDown PlayBook? Absolutely, and they love it. However, there are more of you than them out there. FirstDown PlayBook is all about making sure you have the best technology at a price any football budget can afford. That’s not all either. Let’s consider a few more things you may or may not know about FirstDown PlayBook…
FirstDown PlayBook has one price for a Team Account: $700
Them? Many of the teams we talk to seem to be paying different amounts. If you can afford $5000.00 then that’s what you pay. If your football budget can afford $1500 then that’s what you pay…

FirstDown PlayBook allows unlimited Team Account users
Them? It appears that you pay extra at some point if you have an excess number of players.
FirstDown PlayBook does not require a multi year contract.
Them? It appears that they often lock teams and programs into a 3 or 4 year commitment.
FirstDown PlayBook continues to provide football help from NFL coaches
Them? Do they even have coaches on their staff?
Let’s leave today where we came in though. You cannot complain to your athletic director that you do not have enough money and then turn around and waste it on a $5,000 a year playbook solution. Part of your job as the head coach is that you are the CEO of your team. Your decisions matter. Money wasted over here means money not spent well over there.
This is why FirstDown PlayBook should be built into your budget this year. Rest assured you will be using NFL level technology but paying high school prices for it.