High School Football
High school football coaches are at the core of what FirstDown PlayBook does. Yes, we serve all of the coaching communities. No doubt about that. However, we understand that there is a degree of pressure on the prep coaches with little to no pay in return.
We offer high school coaches advantages in many ways. The first obvious way is a football playbook tool that saves you time and helps you coach better. FirstDown PlayBook did not forget the football when we were developing this tool either.
There are over 35,000 football plays in FirstDown PlayBook. This gives a high school football coach a big head start when it comes to getting ready for playbooks and weekly installs. We have also added practice scripts, practice schedules, text wristband sheets and
FirstDown PlayBook also is the only football coach reference site out there that offers high school football coaches help every day. We do this on the Coaches Community website every day. Here’s the kicker, at no charge. Why? Because FirstDown PlayBook is for coaches by coaches.
Check Out Last Of The Fullbacks
FirstDown PlayBook is always excited when we can help football coaches deliver great content. That's exactly what Last of the Fullbacks does....
Football Play Drawing Short Cuts Save You Time
The more ways FirstDown PlayBook can save a football coach time with your football play drawing the better off we are both going to be....
Preparing For Goal Line Offense & Defense
Your goal line offense and your goal line defense are just another clear example of how all football is situational football....
Empty Pass Protection Is Chess Not Checkers
Pass protection is not checkers. It's chess. You can absolutely get five out on the snap as long as your quarterback is as smart as you are....
Football PlayBook Detail That Matters
Football season is about to kick off and you are going to see first hand just how much your high school football playbook detail matters...
Youth Football Wing T Complimentary Plays
Your Pop Warner offense needs complimentary plays when you run this youth football Wing T offense. Here's why....
Shrink Your Kickoff Coverage Field
The first play your football team will execute this season will involve special teams and it will take place on a kickoff coverage field....
FirstDown PlayBook Coaching Points
The FirstDown PlayBook Coaching Points are one example of what makes us different when it comes to football playbook help. ...
Opponent Scouting Report Templates
Soon you and your football team will turn your attention to game one and your opponent scouting report. Take a look....
6 Man Football? Yes. 8/9/12 Man Football Too.
FirstDown PlayBook offers help for 6 man football, 8 man football and 12 man football coaches and all numbers in between!...
Football Coaching Intellectual Property
High school football coaches who don't protect their football coaching intellectual property often have little chance for advancement....
FirstDown PlayBook Scouting Report
The new FirstDown PlayBook Scouting Report tool will allow Full Team members to import rosters, schedules and create depth charts in minutes....