6 Month Full Team Membership Gets You To August

Timing is so important in almost everything we do. It might be a game, a decision and in today’s case it is when to sign up for a FirstDown PlayBook Full Team membership. Here at FirstDown PlayBook we understand budgets and many of our schools and teams run on an annual budget that runs from August through July.
Your FirstDown PlayBook annual Full Team membership price is only $750 with unlimited users. However; if your budget does not replenish until July or August, consider this.
You can get started now with a FirstDown PlayBook Full Team account now for almost half the price. For $400 you can put unlimited users on your FirstDown PlayBook membership and get started immediately. This gives you the huge advantage of preparing for next fall now before the hectic football season begins.
It’s 7on7 Season. Why Are You Not Looking At The Defense?
This means your football team or league would benefit from the Player App that was so popular last season. It also means that you have access to 25G’s of MP4 video storage which is more than enough to last you into August.
A 6 Month FirstDown PlayBook Full Team Membership Allows You To Get Started Now
If you go this route with a FirstDown PlayBook 6 month Full Team account you have essentially equipped your team and all of your feeder programs for $400. A FirstDown PlayBook Single User account is priced at $200. There is power in numbers when it comes to FirstDown PlayBook accounts.
A FirstDown PlayBook 6 Month Full Team Account Will Get Your High School Football Program Or A Youth/Flag Football League Into August. This Has Huge Value.

It’s not just the numbers either. Your players are now learning with the same technology that NFL and major college football programs use. Practice schedules, wristband sheets and the all important scout team cards are all at your fingertips.
For coaches who wisely like to get their first two or three opponents broken down in the spring, the FirstDown PlayBook scouting reports allow you to get a head start on your early season opponents. When August rolls around your focus is on your teams and getting them ready to play.
Your Editable Formations & Defenses Are Already Drawn
We understand it’s that time of the year when coaches, athletic directors and youth league directors are balancing this years fiscal budget and planning for the next fiscal calendar. Here at FirstDown PlayBook we work hard to make your budget work. We have looked at many ways to tailor our football playbook to fit as many needs as possible.
Finally, here’s the question we always get about a 6 month account all the time. “Will our work still be there in the future when we come back?” Short answer is yes. We never delete any coach’s work. So if you think you might be in the market for a 6 month Full team account, email us at firstdown@playbooktech.com or call us at (512) 814-6158.