Dissect Specific 7on7 Coverages

By FirstDown PlayBook on Jan 30, 2025
FirstDown PlayBook is the number one playbook tool for football coaches.

It is 7on7 season and it is a chance for young skilled players to throw the ball around. As a football coach, the goal should be to have fun and get better at the same time. It is also an opportunity to learn football. Your young quarterback should be learning how to beat 7on7 coverages.

There are a lot of differences in 7on7 football and tackle football. Coverages do not fall into that category. Other than the fact that you won’t get run stopper defenses, 7on7 coverages will mirror tackle football coverages pretty closely.

FirstDown PlayBook Formation Guide Should Be Yours

You are going to have an opportunity to teach how to attack specific looks. On some occasions your young quarterback will line up against a team and you are pretty certain what secondary coverage they are going to play. They will play one or two coverages and they play them very well.

All FirstDown PlayBook Passing Plays Have QB Reads & Coaching Points

Your job is to find enough sound, concrete ways to attack that specific coverage without being too predictable. Remember, you are teaching. You also don’t want to have a bloated game plan that you can’t execute come game time.

Attack 7on7 Coverages Just Like You Do In The Fall With FirstDown PlayBook

FirstDown PlayBook created the Coverage Beater section for this very situation. We were at a 7on7 tournament one summer and a former college defensive back who was a very good player said this to me. “Coach, I usually know what secondary coverage they are going to play. I need a place where I can pass plays designed to beat that coverage.”

7on7 Plays By Coverage Beaters

Don’t Forget The Blocking Scheme DropDowns

This is why the FirstDown PlayBook Coverage Beaters section was born. A football coach can visit FirstDown PlayBook and find passing game ideas several ways. You can find plays by formation, by concept and also by the coverage you are attacking.

FirstDown PlayBook Vs Visio. Interesting…

We sometimes worry that we have so much information in FirstDown PlayBook that some of it gets overlooked. This is one of those sections. Take a moment today and watch this short video. It will help you quickly get to passing game ideas that will be very helpful as you navigate your 7on7 season.

Chad Johnson on FirstDown PlayBook