Your Formations & Defenses Are Already Drawn

If you are a youth, high school or college football coach the first thing you are going to do when you start getting your game plan together is draw formations. STOP! Your formations & defenses are already drawn. 100% guarantee you that the formations & defenses you run can be found in FirstDown PlayBook.
Related: Over 57 Different Pressures For You In FirstDown PlayBook
If you are drawing these same formations up then you are already wasting time. This is time that you don’t have. If you think you do have a lot of time, with until you start putting together your playbooks and wristband sheets. Trust us, you need every minute you have to get ready for practice and games.
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Many of you already know this. FirstDown PlayBook goes far and beyond when it comes to providing pre-drawn offense & defense schemes. We offer thousands of pre-drawn plays and defenses in FirstDown Playbook. Once again, this is a big time saver if you want to just edit these plays and move them into your custom playbook area.
Even If You Like To Draw Your Own Formations & Defenses This Will Save You Time
What we have learned over the years though is that some folks just like to draw football plays & defenses. For you, we have the best football playbook drawing tool available. However, we still think we have something that you will like. It’s a lot easier if you start with pre-drawn formations & defenses. This video will show you what we are talking about and how it helps you.
Related: Find Your Plays & Defenses By What You Call Them
Here’s a little intro before you watch it though. You can now go into FirstDown PlayBook and find Community formations and defenses. In about 2 clicks you can save those formations & defenses in your Template area. After that you will always be one click from starting your play drawings & defenses for your custom playbook.
Click On The Drawing Below To Watch The Video