high school football plays
Yes, Football Clinics Are Expensive
When you start adding up the cost associated with attending a football clinic it brings pause to a lot of football coaches out there....
Good Football Coaches Communicate
Sometimes you would think motivation and culture is all it takes to coach. FirstDown PlayBook knows good football coaches communicate well. ...
Eagles Jet Sweep Freezes Chiefs’ Linemen
The Eagles ran this jet sweep with a level of precision and speed that there was no need to even block the Chiefs' defensive line....
Please Help Your Punt Returner
Your Punt Returner needs your help and that means more than saying "catch the ball and make a big play". Be a coach and help the kid. ...
Lions Understand How To Protect Screens
We've seen this before from the Detroit Lions on All 22 Tuesday. They do a great job of creating explosive screen plays with great blocking....
Do You GRAB Your Players’ Attention?
If your players think you're boring, like it or not, you are. It is your job to grab you players' attention in your install meetings....
All 22 Tuesday: Auburn Option Quarterback Keep
There will certainly be an argument from some but here at FirstDown PlayBook we are calling this an option quarterback keeper....
Trick Plays & Special Teams Fakes
Trick plays and special teams fakes are always a good thing to have in your playbook but only if you have worked them for a few weeks. ...
FirstDown PlayBook FlexBone Buck Sweep
The FlexBone Buck Sweep is one of the most popular high school football and youth football plays being coached today....
All 22 Tuesday: Gators Coaches Create Counter Space
Good coaches creates opportunities and this is exactly what the Florida Gators coaches did on this All 22 Tuesday play....
Better Way To Install Your Game Plan
No high school football coach wants their players seeing too much on game week. That's why you should install your game plan this way....
Screens Blocked Based On The Front
Coaches expect offensive linemen to knock people off the ball and pass protect. We think there should be more expected from the screen game....