Find A Play Vs Find A PlayBook

FirstDown PlayBook listens to coaches. That means someone who is a coach for three months out of the year. It also means we listen to a true professional who does it every day. Sometimes we do so much that there can be some confusion. This has become the case with the FirstDown PlayBook Find a Play section and the Find a PlayBook area.
Today I want to slow down and point out some of the main similarities and differences in the two.
Simply put, the FirstDown PlayBook Find a Play area is for our more detailed and advanced football coaches. Here’s why. This is where the FirstDown PlayBook complete catalog or database of football plays, defenses and other schemes live. There is literally nothing else like it on our planet.
When a coach visits this area they can search and find virtually any play or defense out there. If the coach does not find exactly what they need they will see something so close that they can edit the play diagram in FirstDown PlayBook. This area is so detailed that you can select one or several dropdowns to help you zero in on what you need.
The Find a PlayBook is designed differently Although you will see dedicated specific playbooks for certain schemes in Find a PlayBook, there is not nearly as much football play help here as in the Find a Play area. Conservatively guessing, I would say that this area offers you about 5% of the help that our Find a Play area does.
The FirstDown PlayBook Find a Play area is the cumulative product of 14 years of work. Whereas the Find a PlayBook is a small portion of that work organized in a quick accessible area for you. Looking for all of the NFL Flag plays? They are all here.
So the natural question is “Why have both if the Find a Play area is so much better? It’s simple and it really gets down to two things for two very different FirstDown PlayBook coaching groups. One group is our youth football and flag football coaches. The other is our high school and college coaches.

Here at FirstDown PlayBook we have always appreciated the fact that many of our youth football coaches and flag football coaches are busy professionals or just plain busy. These individuals are often coaching the team because if they did coach not there would be no team.
5 Ways FirstDown PlayBook Helps You Teach Flag Football Better
This group is not looking to do a deep dive into football. They are looking for a one stop shop with proven football plays and playbooks created by real football coaches. Our Find a PlayBook section is perfect for this group. They can find a complete youth football or flag football playbook that they can edit slightly for their team. They can create their wristband sheets as well and be good to go.
The second group made up of high school and college coaches can also benefit from the Find a PlayBook section in a very different way. Here at FirstDown PlayBook we try to follow the latest trends in football. If we see something that is very popular like the RPO game, Spread Wing T or the 3-3-5 defense then we try to feature this in the Find a PlayBook area.
We obviously cannot do that for every style of football, nor do we need to. Once again, that is why the FirstDown PlayBook Find a Play area is always available for a detailed football coach looking to get better. Keep this in mind, every play or defense in the Find a PlayBook area also lives in the Find a Play area.
Take a look at this short video to learn more.