How To Find & Edit Football Plays

Let’s file this under keep the main thing the main thing. We do so much here at FirstDown PlayBook that we sometimes forget that there are those who are just finding and learning about us. At our very core here at FirstDown PlayBook, we provide you a way to find and edit football plays.
FirstDown PlayBook offers you over 35,000 football plays, defenses and special teams schemes, all drawn by NFL coaches. These football plays are not drawn for NFL players but they are drawn with that level of detail and experience.
There are plays designed for college and high school football coaches. There are also football play drawings designed for Pop Warner and NFL Flag coaches and players. Numbers, you ask? Yes, we have 6/8/9/12 man plays as well. All of the plays are drawn vs different defenses and vs multiple offensive formations.
Here is where it gets very different though. I see it in the high school coaches’ eyes when I do Zoom meetings with them. Once you click the FirstDown PlayBook edit button, that play or defense or scheme now becomes YOUR play. This is across the board too, including 7on7 coaches, who always want to tweak a play.
This Should Be The First Youth Football Play You Teach Your Pop Warner Aged Kids
Think about how powerful that is. You have the advantage of having NFL coaches do 90% of the work for you. After that, we hand the chalk back to you and you edit the plays and defenses to fit your team and your football players. This means every aspect of what you do including 7on7.
This short video walks you through it to show how straight forward and simple this is. One of the things we have learned here at FirstDown PlayBook over the years is that all coaches are too busy. Time is the currency of busy people and this is a game changer. Check out the video below and see how FirstDown PlayBook can help you find and edit football plays for your team.