This FirstDown PlayBook category will house any and all blog posts about offense. The style of offense may vary as we serve many different versions of football. However, the mission here remains focused on offense.
There will be run game help that will include the various run categories like trap, sweeps and of power run game. The numbers may vary too as we include, not just 11 man football but also other versions like 8 and 9 man football.
FirstDown Playbook has always been the industry leader when it comes to the passing game. This will never change. We will provide a lot of help in this area for coaches at all levels. This includes 7on7 coaches too.
Flag Football Route Tree & Others Easier To Find
For years coaches have given us input on how to make FirstDown PlayBook better. This is how we developed a flag football route tree....
Maryland Unbalanced Set Goes Mostly Unnoticed
So many buzz words were used on the internet to describe this play. Here is what you did not hear uttered once..."Unbalanced Set"...
Motion To Unbalanced Formation Edge
An unbalanced formation can also force a defense to communicate. Especially when you motion to an unbalanced formation edge....
Flag Football Quarterback Reads
Flag football quarterback reads are a must if you want to avoid having plays that just rely on throwing the ball up for grabs....
FirstDown PlayBook Coaching Notes Templates
Most coaches hate to type and we thought of that when we designed the FirstDown PlayBook coaching notes templates feature....
First NFL TD Is An Unbalanced Formation TD
Unbalanced formations have been around since football has but they have shown up in critical moments early this year in college and the NFL....
Florida State Reverse Flea Flicker
This Florida State flea flicker is a perfect example of how there are 1. Coaches versions 2. Fan versions 3. Analytical versions....
Northwestern Unbalanced Formation Comes Up Big
Today's All 22 Tuesday install will focus on the Northwestern unbalanced formations that they used to confuse Nebraska....
2 Back Slot Power (Protect Your Backside)
One common mistake in youth football is not blocking the backside of the play correctly. That is critical on this 2 Back Slot Power....
New Season! New All 22 Tuesday!
The Chargers executed this quick screen against the Cowboys to perfection this weekend. A great All 22 Tuesday play to start the 2022 season!...
US Women’s Tackle National Team Wins Gold With FirstDown PlayBook
The US Women's Tackle Football National Team leaned heavily on FirstDown PlayBook as they marched their way through the world championships....
Youth Football Veer Option
This youth football play is a dive or veer option that can be run several ways, depending on your players' maturity and talent level....