Youth Football Trap Play

When you dial up a youth football trap play you have to understand something. Your job of blocking the play is going to be harder than if you coach in the NFL. Not hyperbole. It’s just true. The reason is that your quarterback is probably not developed enough to spread a defense out yet.
NFL defenses have to respect the passing game more than a good youth football defensive coach will. Good youth football defensive coaches take away the run first.
A typical well coached youth football defense has almost everyone within five to ten yards from the line of scrimmage. Any Pop Warner defender any deeper is a wasted player and likely just a spectator on any given play. You can expect eight defenders in the box in youth football. Regardless of if you are playing against a 6-2, a 5-3 or a 4-4 defense.
Marry Your Youth Football Trap Play To Another Play On Your Call Sheet
Now that we have that out of the way let’s focus on how we can still run a youth football trap play. It can be done. The key is to have a play on your call sheet that you can marry your youth football trap play with. This play should be one that puts the unblocked defender in a conflict of assignment.
Putting a defensive player in a conflict of assignment is just another way to say that you are picking on that player. You are running a play that looks just like another play you have called. essentially you are making it impossible for this conflict of assignment player to ever be right.
Todays video focuses on how to run the youth football trap play against a 6-2 defense. It’s about more than just the trap block. As always you can go to FirstDown PlayBook to find every youth football run play blocked up vs six different defenses with coaching points. Oh yeah, you can edit the youth football plays to suit your team.