football playbook

Football Coaching Carousel Gives Venables A Chance
We don't get into the coaching carousel very much anymore but we like it when coaches like Brent Venables get a chance....

Let Us Know What New Installs You Want
If you have a request for FirstDown PlayBook as we prepare our 2022 new installs just let us know. We may be able to fit it in our 2022 plans...

Spread Wing T Installation Update
There are a lot of good coaches who are finding creative ways to expand on the traditional Wing T offense. It's a fun study for us....

9 Man Football F-Counter
We have consulted with some excellent 9 man football coaches as we have grown this section. This 9 man football F Weak Counter is one example....

Adult 7v7 Flag Football: NFL Seam Concept
If you have adult 7v7 flag football players who can just run vertically to get open every time, you won't need us. If you don't then try this....

Kickoff Cover 2 Gap Technique
Using the 2 gap technique on kickoff coverage has several elements that need to be taught. The first is teaching when to use the technique. ...

8 Man QB Power Rules Look Very Familiar
This 8 man football QB Power shows how there is a lot more translation to your 11 man football plays than 6 man plays....

6 Man PAP Scissors Shot Play
This 6 man football "shot" play can be run several ways with the backfield action. The two quarterback system gives you this flexibility....

Pistol Wing T & Spread Option Installs
The new Pistol Wing T and Spread Option installs will open the traditional Wing T and FlexBone offenses up a little for you....

Adult 7v7 Flag Football: NFL Mesh Concept
The NFL Mesh concept is a combination of routes running across the field in close proximity to one another. It's that simple....

New Play Installs Now Easier To Find
We are making sure you know where your new play installs are located. Simply go to the Coaching Tools and select New Plays/Installs....

3×1 Mills (48) Concept Install
FirstDown PlayBook will install 5 new 3x1 Mills concept pass plays in the next few days. This concept is also known as a 48 route combination...