flag football playbook

PlayCards & PlayGrids = PlayBook

PlayCards & PlayGrids = PlayBook

by FirstDown PlayBook on Apr 6, 2022

You are about to become very familiar with the PlayCard and the PlayGrid sections. Might just change your coaching life....

6v6 Flag Football Curl Wheel Follow

6v6 Flag Football Curl Wheel Follow

by FirstDown PlayBook on Apr 5, 2022

This 6v6 flag football Curl Wheel Follow has a lot of options. The ball can go many different places. You'll want to run it multiple times....

Flag Football Defensive Peel Pressure

Flag Football Defensive Peel Pressure

by FirstDown PlayBook on Apr 2, 2022

This flag football defensive peel pressure allows you to have an answer for every eligible receiver. That means everyone in flag football....

7v7 Flag Football 3 Level Read

7v7 Flag Football 3 Level Read

by FirstDown PlayBook on Mar 12, 2022

This 7v7 flag football 3 level read checks all of the boxes when it comes to getting the football out of your quarterback's hand quickly....

“My Templates” Let You Draw Practice Cards Your Way

“My Templates” Let You Draw Practice Cards Your Way

by FirstDown PlayBook on Mar 8, 2022

Every football coach thinks they draw the best practice cards. The new FirstDown PlayBook "My Templates" area lets you all be right....

How To Create Great Route Templates (And Others)

How To Create Great Route Templates (And Others)

by FirstDown PlayBook on Mar 2, 2022

The new FirstDown PlayBook "My Templates" area is built precisely on the foundation that coaches and players are very visual....

Partnering With OWIFA To Promote Women’s Flag Football

Partnering With OWIFA To Promote Women’s Flag Football

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 27, 2022

FirstDown PlayBook is excited to partner with The Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate FootballAssociation (OWIFA) as their official playbook resource. OWIFA is a not-for-profit ...

Introducing FirstDown PlayBook Templates

Introducing FirstDown PlayBook Templates

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 26, 2022

We have just released a new coaching tool that is going to save everyone of you a ton of time. The brand new FirstDown PlayBook Templates area allows you to create your own stencil or t...

Flag Football Concepts From Multiple Formations

Flag Football Concepts From Multiple Formations

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 22, 2022

FirstDown PlayBook flag football coaches know that there are some flag football concepts that show up in multiple formations. Here's why....

Your Flag Football Assignment…Get Covered

Your Flag Football Assignment…Get Covered

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 16, 2022

On almost every pass play at least one receiver's flag football assignment is and should be to get covered....

Bigger & Better Flag Football Wristband Sheets

Bigger & Better Flag Football Wristband Sheets

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 11, 2022

The FirstDown PlayBook flag football wristband sheets are an excellent way to teach your younger players and they just got much better....

6v6 Trips Flag Football Formation Perfect For Young Eyes

6v6 Trips Flag Football Formation Perfect For Young Eyes

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 8, 2022

FirstDown PlayBook's 6v6 Trips Flag Football formation can help your young quarterback stay focused on one half the field....