Better Have Flag Football RPO’s

Let’s get right to the point. If you are coaching a flag football team made up of younger players then you had better have flag football RPO’s in your system. In fact, you adult flag football players…sit back down because you could use one or two as well. Without them, you are going to have a sheet full of plays you can’t run.
Let’s start with you coaches who are (or about to be) dialing up plays for those 7 and 8 year olds out there. Your quarterback is not going to be very good. No offense to you if the quarterback happens to be your son or daughter. They are only 8 years old!
Good coaches look at the skills of their team and use them. they look at the weaknesses of their team and they work on them AND they avoid them until they get better. Guess what? Your 8 year old quarterback is not going to grow up in the next three months. So you had better find something they can do right now.
Flag football RPO’s are what you are looking for. What is a flag football RPO? They are a little different than in tackle football where the quarterback reads a defender for a run pass read. A flag football RPO more like a play action pass or bootleg pass with the option to hand or pitch the ball to a back or receiver.
It can even get more advanced than that. You can actually pitch the ball to a player and that player now has the option to run or pass the ball. You can make these plays as simple or complex as your team can handle. Trust me when I say that your 7 year old QB will hand or toss the ball better than they will throw a 12 yard post route. Once again, you adult flag football players will be better with some of these plays too.
8 Powerful Flag Football Formations To Run More RPO’s With
What got us on this topic today? Well, as many of you know we are drawing up all of the NFL Flag plays for you so you won’t have to. Now you can edit all of these plays and easily create your wristband sheets right on FirstDown PlayBook. This is a monumental time saver for a busy parent who is coaching a flag football team.
As we were in the process of doing this, we noticed that all of the plays are drop back passes. As someone who has coached several years of YMCA youth flag football, we know this just won’t work. So we have put together a video showing you how you can add flag football RPO’s to your offense this weekend!