Youth Football Wing T Complimentary Plays

Regardless of the level or style of football, the best coaches tie plays in with one another. Could be an NFL coach or a Pop Warner coach, doesn’t matter. These are the football coaches that understand you may have two or three plays that could very easily be shut down by a sound defense. However; when you run them in conjunction with one another, both plays are hard to stop. The FirstDown PlayBook Youth Football Wing T formation is a good example of this.
Let’s look at the Pop Warner Wing T FullBack Trap football play below. It’s hard to see how this play could actually be successful. When you line up and run this against this 5-3 defense it is hard to see how the playside tackle can block the playside linebacker.
In order to understand this you have to understand the complimentary plays that should be run with the fullback trap. The two plays that come to mind immediately are the Buck Sweep and the G Lead.
Incorporate a Jet Sweep Into Your Youth Football Wing T Call Sheet
The Buck Sweep forces that play side linebacker to flow to the edge to defend the play. The G Lead has the pulling guard wrap up inside on the play side linebacker.
At the snap of the ball all three of these youth football Wing T football plays look the same. This is what makes the Wing T such a powerful deceptive offense to run even at the Pop Warner youth football level. The play side linebacker struggles to be right.
NFL Coaches On 6 Defenses To Consider For Your Pop Warner Youth Footbal Team.

Wing T Midline Option Gives You Power & Option Game
It is also why FirstDown PlayBook provides you with an entire package of plays from every one of our twelve youth football formations. Yes, they all include coaching points too. Where else can you find that? Want to see it for yourself? Just tap on the play above to trial FirstDown PlayBook for free.
FirstDown PlayBook offers you 12 different formations just like this youth football Wing T. You should consider one or two of these for your Pop Warner offense. Tap on any one of the tiles below to visit the article describing that formation. After reading the article then go join FirstDown PlayBook and get busy coaching your Pop Warner team with the best football playbook available!