FirstDown PlayBook Coaching Points

We live in a copy cat world. That is nothing new. As the saying goes, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness”. However; there are some things that are just too hard to imitate because they flat out take a lot of work and effort. The FirstDown PlayBook coaching points fall into this football playbook category.
One thing (among others) that you will not find anywhere else when it comes to a football playbook is the FirstDown PlayBook coaching points. They are painstakingly detailed to help football coaches at any level teach our plays, defenses or special teams schemes. Let me explain.
Here at FirstDown PlayBook we love drawing football plays. That may sound strange to some of you who would much rather be out on the field coaching, as opposed to drawing football plays. However, we hate typing the football play assignments. They are flat out a lot of work. Work most people will not do for you.
The FirstDown PlayBook Coaching Points Are Just One More Way We Are Different
We get that we save you a ton of time with our plays and coaching points.. That’s why we do what we do. So you can free up to coach ball and improve your players. Having said that, you know what we hate doing? We hate to type. But guess what? We do it for everyone of your FirstDown PlayBook plays anyway.
More Ways FirstDown PlayBook Helps You Teach Better
The football play assignments are just a necessary evil. Play drawings are great and most of us are visual. However, at the line of scrimmage you need rules and player assignments that will hold up against any defense, offense or special teams scheme your team will see. We also understand that we are sometimes helping less experienced coaches understand a play or scheme.
NFL Coaches Suggest 12 Youth Football Formations
Here at FirstDown PlayBook we know that there is more to it than formations and plays. We consider this with both tackle and flag football coaching. Today’s short video shows you the detail that we put into the coaching points and the football play assignments. We also give you a tip or two about how to save yourself some time as you create your football playbooks.
6 Sound Youth Football Defenses Too
Please keep in mind that everything we do here at FirstDown PlayBook is for you the football coach. If you ever have ways that we can improve then let us know. Odds are we are already on it or have plans to be. However, it never hurts to get the input!