Pop Warner 5-3 Defense In Find A PlayBook

FirstDown PlayBook is excited to let you know we have added the youth football 5-3 defense to your Find a PlayBook section. This is in addition to the already existing four man front and even a six man front Pop Warner defenses.
Before I go any further about this, I want to make one thing clear. The Find a PlayBook section is just one way to find youth football help. It is a quick and easy way to find a pre-made playbook if that is what you need. If you want more plays and/or defenses and a more deep dive into your playbook, you want to go to the Find a Play section. There is much more help in there.
Okay, now that that is out of the way, let’s talk a little bit about this new Pop Warner 5-3 defense install. The 5-3 is heavily predicated on having a good nose guard. This would be your young player who is a better with their hand in the dirt as opposed to playing in a two point stance.
We understand that there are weight limits in some youth football leagues. Still there are some kids who excel playing down, regardless of size. If you have one of these kids on your team, playing them at nose is a good thought.

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Why? Think about it this way. When you line your best player up over the center, you have placed them as close to the ball at the snap as possible. This has advantages even if they do not make the play. Often times the nose disrupts the blocking scheme. This allows the other players to swarm the ball. This can mean playing a 5-3 Bear youth defense too.
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There are other versions of the 5-3 defense that allow you to move your nose on the snap. This can cause a youth football offense all kind of problems. In the meantime, let’s get your youth football defensive thoughts in order. It’s that time of year! Learn more about the youth football 5-3 defense in Find a PlayBook in this short video.
FirstDown PlayBook offers you 6 different defenses just like this 5-3 Defense. You should consider one or two of these for your Pop Warner defense. Tap on any one of the tiles below to visit the article describing that formation. After reading the article then go join FirstDown PlayBook and get busy coaching your Pop Warner team with the best football playbook available!