football playbook

Simple Short Flag Football Passes
Your young flag football quarterback needs your help. Take a look at the young arm and make smart flag football passes a part of your plan....

Youth & Special Teams Football Clinic(s)
It is football clinic season and the two groups who get ignored are special teams coaches and youth football coaches. Not anymore....

KISS. It’s A Football Drawing Tool.
You would be amazed at the most basic things that you cannot do with other football drawing tools. A base block and curved line are examples....

Pass Protection With Your Receivers
At the highest levels of football pass protection requires all eleven players be on the same page. This means your receivers too....

Zone Read Beater: Zone Dog Pressure
The zone read can be a headache for defensive coordinators if the quarterback is comfortable. This zone dog pressure can help prevent that....

Fade Technique In The Tight Red Zone
There is something to be said about throwing a fade to a tall receiver in the tight red zone. There are also useful techniques that can help....

Flag Football Curl Flat Read
The flag football curl flat concept stretches the defense horizontally and vertically. It is effective no matter what numbers you play with....

Special Teams Long Field Is “Football Smart”
Having a special teams long field background is just football smart. That's what we strive for here at FirstDown PlayBook daily....

Spread Wing T Belly RPO
The Spread Wing T offense is showing up a lot more around the NFL. Here is how you can get editable play diagrams for your football playbook....

FirstDown PlayBook PlayGrids Explained
The FirstDown PlayBook PlayGrids are becoming a coach favorite as they realize how easy it is to create position manuals & playbook installs....

Easily Create Your Football Formations
FirstDown PlayBook has taken all of the work out of creating an offensive playbook football formations section....

FirstDown PlayBook Team Account
In this video coach Charlie Coiner takes you through all of the things that come with a $700 FirstDown PlayBook Team account....