Youth Football 5-3 Bear Defense

We don’t do it often but every now and then we like to take a question we get from one of our coaches and take a deep dive into the topic. When we do this we are not only trying to help that coach but other coaches who might have a similar issue or question. Our blog today centers around the FirstDown PlayBook youth football 5-3 Bear defense.
Let’s back up a bit. One of our youth football coaches had watched one of our Youtube videos and said he had found it useful. His problem/question was that he was going to move to a youth football 5-3 defense this season. The reason was that in previous years he had trouble stopping a Double Wing formation offense.
The offense was not just running a Double Wing but they were also using a tackle over to one side making it an overload defense. This coach said that this offense consisted of three main plays. They ran a sweep, a power and a counter. He finished by saying that they pulled their guards on most plays.
This Youth Football 5-3 Bear Defense Makes It Hard To Pull Guards
That last part about guards pulling got our attention. This sounds like a well coached Pop Warner aged offense. They are not running too many plays and they are good at what they run. We always recommend that when coaching younger players. pulling guards is also common with youth football offenses.
Looking For Defensive Pressures? Look No More.
Zone schemes are harder to teach to a young offensive line than a pin & pull scheme. In the video below we detail three ways we would adjust a youth football 5-3 defense to stop this offense. As you watch it consider your personnel. Also remember if an offense is going to run the same three plays at you then stop those plays first before you worry about others.
FirstDown PlayBook offers you 6 different defenses just like this 5-3 Bear defense. You should consider one or two of these for your Pop Warner defense. Tap on any one of the tiles below to visit the article describing that defense. After reading the article then go join FirstDown PlayBook and get busy coaching your Pop Warner team with the best football playbook available!