Lock Your FirstDown PlayBook Price In Now

Did you know that if you keep your FirstDown PlayBook or FastBreak PlayBook subscription current, we never raise your price? For the record, it has always been that way. It is our way of rewarding coaches who are early adopters and their continued loyalty.
Price changes have been a rarity for FirstDown PlayBook to say the least. We have always adhered to the philosophy of helping as many football coaches as possible at an affordable price. That is why you can have unlimited users on FirstDown PlayBook.
Stop and think about that for a second. You can use FirstDown PlayBook to vertically align your varsity, junior varsity and youth football programs. Flag football? No problem. Unlimited users means unlimited users. Asl Hudl if you can do that and you will hear crickets.
FirstDown PlayBook Never Raises Your Price If Your Account Stays Active. Lock Your Price In Before January.

Having said this, FirstDown PlayBook will have a modest price increase at the beginning of 2025. The increase is to hire more coaches to provide the seven days a week customer service that we provide our Full Team account programs.
We also have some very exciting news coming in 2025 with regards to video integration. This will make many of you happy as you are being overcharged for your video needs and the complimentary tools that come along with it.
So getting back to original point. Lock your football program into an annual Full Team membership at $700 today. Another option would be to get started with a 6 month Full Team membership for $400. Either way, this will get you locked in with your price forever as long as your membership remains active.