Football Play Drawing Short Cuts Save You Time

By FirstDown PlayBook on Aug 30, 2024
Coach Driven

The more flexibility you have when you are drawing football plays and schemes the better off you are. It’s not only about the quality that a football coach can offer but also about the amount of time you can save. FirstDown PlayBook offers a football coach so many football play drawing short cuts that you should know about.

Let’s focus on one specific short cut today. We recently had a great question, along those lines, about our football playbook and flipping plays. The coach wanted to know if he could flip a portion of a play as opposed to the entire play.

It’s a legit question and also an important one that we thought of as we were building the FirstDown PlayBook. The todays video describes three distinct ways you can flip your football play drawings on FirstDown PlayBook. A coach can flip the entire play drawing, they can flip that play drawing horizontally and vertically. You can also flip just a portion of the play drawing.

Your PlayBook Detail Will Show Up On The Field One Way Or Another

There are often times when the entire side of the ball may flip flop over but the other side of the ball is going to play it right and left. In other words the defense may be making their strength call to the field or boundary. it is silly to have to draw all 22 players up for this one adjustment. Let our football playbook technology do that work for you!

Cut Football PlayBook Work In Half By Using The Same Diagram For Scout Team Cards

Sometimes the need to flip only a portion of a play is as simple as turning a corner route in to a post. Whatever the reason, FirstDown PlayBook understands that saving you time is the most important thing. We are very aware that it is huge time saver to use the same drawing for your scout team cards as you do for your playbook. How? You flip the play and cut your work in half!

Today we take you through your ability to flip your play just about any way you want to. That means the entire play or a portion of it too. This will end up saving you a ton of time as you use FirstDown PlayBook. This also helps you keep your gameplan simple and run plays to the left and the right as opposed to running too many plays or defenses.

The more ways FirstDown PlayBook can save you time with your football play drawing the better off we are both going to be.