Football PlayBook Detail That Matters

It’s almost high school football game time and we are about to separate the Twitter coaches and coaches. What is dismissed on social media will be revealed soon as your football playbook detail matters.
As much as all defensive coaches like and want to be on the “offensive” when it comes to dialing up pressure they all know it can only go so far. Sure, pressure can help when it is called but it has to be intelligently designed and coordinated to be effective. It never changes when you get into the season, your football playbook detail will win or get your butt beat.
This is why we scoff at some of the stuff we see presented to coaches as football “help”. The truth is that it is only helpful if the defense calls this pressure and the offense lines up in this exact formation and runs this exact play.
Are You Drawing More Than You Are Teaching & Coaching?
Good luck with the odds on that happening. This is why we take so much pride in the detail that we put into every defense and defensive pressure in FirstDown PlayBook. Does it take us forever? Sure it does. Is it tedious work? Of course it is. This football playbook detail is what makes FirstDown PlayBook different.
Tap on the defensive pressure below to see what we mean…
Related: Does Your Playbook Stuff Belong To You? You Sure?
At the end of the day though, all we are doing is going through the same process that you have to when you game plan a high school football defensive pressure against any opponent. In other words, we draw it up as thoroughly as if it were our tails fired if it were unsound.

It does not end there of course. FirstDown PlayBook also provides a football coach with the ability to make their playbook. You can edit our plays and defenses. You can also create your playbooks from scratch. Now the football detail is entirely in your hands. Just know you have the most powerful football playbook tool as you do it.