FirstDown PlayBook Formation Guide

This is the time of year when football coaches start hunting. No, I am not talking about a job. I am talking about ideas. Ideas that will help them get better next season. It takes no more than to look at social media these days to understand this. As we begin 2025, I want to start the year by looking at the FirstDown PlayBook formation guide.
This feature is so foundational that it often gets overlooked when people try to offer coaches football playbook help. That is a big mistake.
Every football coach from Andy Reid to the next coming of Pop Warner starts with the same thing when they draw football plays. It always starts with a formation. You cannot draw a football play without a football formation. If you are a defensive coach, please do not be offended. You cannot draw a defense up unless you have a formation either.
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This is why FirstDown PlayBook has gone to great lengths to help football coaches find our formations. The short video that you will watch below uses youth football as an example but it could be for any level. If you are drawing plays up for Notre Dame you will inevitably need the same formations that you can find in the FirstDown PlayBook Varsity section.
Find Any Formation You Need With The FirstDown PlayBook Formation Guide
Flag football formations? Absolutely. A flag football coach can quickly find formations and flag football plays drawn up with the numbers that they coach. The constant here is the amount of time that is saved regardless of if you coach in the NFL or NFL Flag.
Spread Or Wing T Offense? FirstDown PlayBook Has It.
How do we organize all of this so that a flag football coach in Germany and a college football coach in Fort Worth can find the football formation they need? Drawings, of course. We learned a long time ago that football drawings are the universal language for coaches.
This Will Get You Fired Before You Ever Understand It
With FirstDown PlayBook you can quickly and easily go to our football formation guide and find the formation you are looking for. When you find that formation or formations, you will see what we call it. Now you can find any and every play or defense that uses that formation.
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The final step, as you FirstDown PlayBook veterans know is that once you find plays or defenses using that formation you can then edit your work. Now you are calling that formation what you like to call it. You save your work in your “My Plays” and “My PlayBooks” area so when you come back it is organized the way you want it.
FirstDown PlayBook Vs Visio. Interesting…
Starting to make sense isn’t it. Watch this short video and it will become crystal clear how you can start saving time with FirstDown PlayBook.