Drills: Football Coaches Coaching Coaches

If you have coached enough this will make perfect sense to you. If you are a fan or a young coach, you will be very confused by this. One of the most important things a coach has to learn to do is to coach other coaches. Sometimes it is called coaches coaching coaches. It often comes in the form of one coach teaching another coach how the football drill should be run.
Special teams coaches are all out there nodding right now. They do this all the time. There has never been a special teams coach alive who can coach every player on any phase all by themselves. Good special teams coaches coach other coaches.
However, this is not exclusive to special teams coaches. If you are a coordinator, you are incharge of your side of the ball on offense and defense, you will need to do this too. Guess who better organize that pursuit drill on defense? That screen drill on offense? Yep, that’s you coach. You must coach the other coaches on how that drill is organized and should be run.
Coaches coaching coaches is not a new thing. Head coaches naturally coach their staff as they have the needed experience to do so. I have heard many stories of legendary coaches like Lou Holtz and Johnny Majors taking over a drill because it was not being run to their liking. I have personally worked with and for Nick Saban coaching tree coaches and we spent as much time planning and teaching the drill as it took to actually run it.
Football Coaches Coaching Coaches Is Not A New Thing But Still An Important One
If you think I am being critical, then you are mistaken. My point today is that in order to be efficient when you take the field here in a few weeks, you have to be ultra organized. That calls for detailed meetings with coaches coaching coaches.
Football drills are where this comes into play the most. Obviously, no coach should coach another coach’s player unless he is looking for a fist fight. However, there are times when coaches coach coaches on a drill that involves multiple position groups.

This is where FirstDown PlayBook comes into the picture. At the end of the day we help coaches communicate better. Not just with players either. We facilitate communication between coaches as well. When this is done well, you are going to maximize every second of your time with your players and we all know that is critical.