FirstDown PlayBook 7on7 Dagger Concept

The Dagger concept is certainly a staple in any drop back pass game attack. This means you will certainly see the FirstDown PlayBook Dagger concept a lot as we crank up 7on7 season here in the next few months.
It fits as an answer to defenses who want to play soft and defend the deep ball first. This means that the in breaking routes have a chance to be open vs man or zone coverage.
It is more complicated than that for the defense though. This Two Back Gun version is a good example. Regardless of who is carrying the Y down the middle of the field in cover 2 he has several things to worry about. This is even true with 7on7 competition where defenses can be accused of cheating.
The Defender Who Carries The Deep Middle Of The Field Has To Think About Several Things:
1. He has to carry the Y to the Safeties.
2. He has to get under the Z on the In route.
3. Finally, he has to break up on the X Shallow.

On Dagger X Shallow we would read this Y to Z to X. We know that both backs were bursting away from the high low after protection. One of the key coaching points is to make sure the Y and the QB can recognize middle of the field open vs closed.
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Keep in mind this Dagger concept requires detail on the part of the Y. If the Y just runs blindly down the field and is a decoy eventually he will be treated as such and the defense will not carry or respect him. Take a look!
The Dagger Concept Can Be Run Out Of Multiple Formations

The Dagger concept can be run many ways from many formations. This 3×1 Wing formation is just one example. This formation will normally get the defense to close the middle of the field with a single safety.
Remember that the best 7on7 passing attacks work when you pad up for 11 man football too. This version can make for a tough read for the free safety as he negotiates the seam and the In route. You can see our pass protection thoughts on the diagram too.
Are Your Flag Football Numbers Different? We Have You Covered.
So as you begin to work on your 7on7 game plan for this winter and spring, keep this in mind. FirstDown PlayBook has the most in depth database of passing game plays available. This includes you too flag football coaches. You can find passing game ideas by formation, concept and even coverages you are trying to beat.