Teaching Young Quarterbacks The Snag Concept

The Snag concept is normally a staple of any good passing game football playbook. It gives a young quarterback a simple read where everything is right in front of their face. Just as important, it allows the decision to be made quickly. Quick decisions by young quarterbacks are a good thing for everyone on the offensive side of the ball.
The snag is no different than a lot of passing game concepts in that there are varying opinions on how to read it. Obviously, some of this is personnel driven. The formation and situation can also have a bearing on this. You can use this with your flag football offense too.
This is actually one of the main things we like about the Snag concept. You can run it out of almost any formation. I have been part of offenses who have protected on many different ways too. The beautiful thing about all of this is that every time we ran it the quarterback read remained the same.
The FirstDown PlayBook snag concept area is pretty extensive. We include quarterback reads and coaching points for every play too. So how do you read the snag? High to low or take the flat if it’s there and move on? We normally read it low to high in short yardage situations. Can you catch them napping on first down?
Take a look at this short video as we take you through how we teach young quarterbacks to read the snag concept.