8 man football

6 Man Football? Yes. 8/9/12 Man Football Too.
FirstDown PlayBook offers help for 6 man football, 8 man football and 12 man football coaches and all numbers in between!...

Better Give FirstDown PlayBook Another Look
A coach said "FirstDown PlayBook is a lot better than it was 4 years ago... If you're a good coach your team is better than 4 years ago too....

New! Text Wristband Sheets
We were about to wrap up the year when someone in the room stuck their hand up and said "Hey what about text wristband sheets?"...

New! Practice Scripts & Cards Made Easy
The new FirstDown PlayBook Practice Scripts tool improves how football coaches prepare their practice cards and scripts....

8 Man Football QB Power Read
This 8 man football play does 3 primary things to gain a numbers advantage on this Quarterback Power Read. They are simple yet very effective....

Your Formations & Defenses Are Already Drawn
You can now go into FirstDown PlayBook and find Community formations and defenses then save them in your Template area. ...

6 Man Football Questions Answered Here
If there is someone else out there providing you with over 600 6 man football plays and defenses, please let us know....

FirstDown PlayBook Linemen View
The new FirstDown PlayBook Linemen View changes a lot for interior line coaches. That's not all. Every coach will teach better with this....

Hot 1 Kickoff Cover Changeup
This Hot 1 kickoff cover changeup is a good example of how you can dictate what the return unit can do and then have an answer for it. ...

Introduce The Stick Nod Change Up
When you do change up your route tree, it's good to have a reason for it. This is why we want to talk about the Stick Nod today....

3 Reasons Your Offense Isn’t Playing Fast
We coach our players to "play hard" and "go full speed". Here are 3 reasons your offense may not be playing fast and how you can fix it....

8 Man QB Power Rules Look Very Familiar
This 8 man football QB Power shows how there is a lot more translation to your 11 man football plays than 6 man plays....