Prep Football State Champions Salute

Today, FirstDown PlayBook gets to do something we have wanted to do for a long time. We are recognizing and rewarding the high school coaches and their teams who have achieved the highest level possible in their individual states this season. We are doing this by rewarding every 2022 high school football state champion with a free one year Team membership to FirstDown PlayBook.
FirstDown PlayBook owes a lot to high school football. When we launched this company back in 2012 we had a lot to learn about high school football coaching. After all, the path we took was with college football that ended up landing us in the NFL. Thanks to many of you, we have learned a lot over the past years. We have matured into a digital playbook company that makes your life as a coach easier and better. This means year to year too as many of you change jobs throughout your career.
Winning a football state championship is hard. It doesn’t matter if you’re an established program that competes for it every year or a new football state champion. There is a lot that goes into it that is not fully appreciated by the fans and public. FirstDown PlayBook gets it and we want to publicly recognize it. And you.
Are You A 2022 High School Football State Champion? Read Below!
Here is how it will work. FirstDown PlayBook is in the process of contacting every 2022 high school state champion in every state. This will include 6/8/9 man football teams too. Obviously, this will take some time to execute. So if you are reading this and you are a state champion or know of a school who is then take action now. You can contact us and let us know by clicking on this link right here.
Here are a few other important things to know. This reward is valued at $700. There is obviously no cost for this and absolutely no obligation at the end of the free trial. FirstDown PlayBook will not collect any payment information from you. At the end of your football state champion reward you can keep your membership if you wish but there is no obligation. The second thing to understand is that we will only reward a high school state champion team or school one time for one year.
FirstDown PlayBook Video Pairing lets You Keep All Of Your Work In One Place
To be clear, FirstDown PlayBook is still going to reach out to every state champion ourselves. At this stage of the game we know how to get hold of every state high school association. We also have contacts for every high school football program in the country. We are excited about this chance to say thanks and pay back high school football for all it has done for us.