Find a PlayBook Plays Ready Now

The FirstDown PlayBook Find A PlayBook development is ongoing but we have some good news for you. You can already find many of the plays that will be a part of this coming feature. The video below will take you through how to do it. We are drawing these plays that will live in the Find A PlayBook area on an almost daily basis. You can access these plays, coaching points and editing capabilities right now!
Before we get too far in the weeds, please allow us to back up and explain. Here is a reminder of what Find A PlayBook will be. There are some offenses or defenses that are just very popular in high school, youth and even flag football. In the past, we have always taken the approach to let the coach find the play or defense that they wanted. After that we made it easy to create playbooks, installations and practice cards.
A football coach can still do that. Now however, we are working to allow a football coach to go straight to a popular playbook area. In a sense, FirstDown PlayBook is just doing more of the work for a coach if they want to run one of these popular schemes. Yes it will be a huge time saver.
One of the first systems, if you will, that we are working on is our Spread Wing T playbook. You would have to not be paying attention, if you haven’t seen all of the promotion surrounding this offensive scheme. At the end of the day it is just your tried and true Wing T schemes. However; they are run with the advantage of spreading the football field.

“The FirstDown PlayBook “Find A PlayBook” section will feature popular systems like the Spread Wing T and even NFL Flag Plays.”
There are also innovative ways to incorporate the run pass option game with the Spread or Gun Wing T plays like the Buck Sweep and Counter. So what does FirstDown PlayBook bring to the table with this that has not been offered before? It’s pretty simple actually. Now you can get these popular schemes drawn up in an editable version and in an organized manner. This FlexBone section is a good example.
This will be a huge resource for football coaches. The FirstDown PlayBook Find A PlayBook area will be a constant work in progress. Even after we get the area up on the website, we will constantly be adding to it to help more and more coaches who believe in a specific system. Flag coaches will be glad to know that there will be an NFL Flag playbook immediately available when we launch too.
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So why so much chatter about something that has not launched yet? Well, this video will explain how you can find the plays that will be a part of the Find a PlayBook area right now. Here at FirstDown PlayBook we don’t like to hold up progress. This short video will get you off and on your way as we continue to work on the Find A PlayBook area.