Defense Adjustments vs 27 Formations

It was about eight years ago as we were beginning to look at how FirstDown PlayBook could develop a practical solution for defensive coaches. We were wise enough to seek out the opinion of a long time Texas high school head coach. My question was simple. What do high school coaches need the most on defense. His answer was simpler. Defense adjustments to offensive formations.
The simple one sentence answer hit hard and we took his advice. It has helped thousands of coaches since that day.
His input was essential in developing what is now the FirstDown PlayBook Varsity Defense section. Put simply, we hired experienced professional football coaches who took everyone of our base defenses in FirstDown Playbook and created defense adjustments to them to 27 different formations.
Overkill? Maybe, right up until your defense sees something that they have no idea how to line up against. It is at the heart of what FirstDown PlayBook does. We don’t offer a football coach universal answers. That is not how football is played or coached.
The defense adjustments vs 27 formations that FirstDown PlayBook offers you is comprehensive. Comprehensive enough that when you are facing an offense that you have never seen before, you have a reference tool to find tips and clues as you try to adjust.
Yes, we understand that every defense is slightly different. So are the defensive adjustments. That is where we bring more to the table than just NFL experience. Everything we offer you in FirstDown PlayBook is editable. You can take a defense and make edits to mold it to your defense. How much time does that save you?