Youth Football Plays & Coaching

Coaching a youth football team is hard. It requires a lot of time before, during and after practice. FirstDown PlayBook™ understands that coaching youth football is about more than just plays. We know that the proper fundamentals and techniques must be taught to insure safety and success.
Fortunately, our Coaches Community site provides you with everything you need to get started. Check out some of our youth football coaching articles below, or head over to our Youth Football Play Library & Play Drawing & Software to quickly and easily find the best youth football plays for your team, and then edit them to your liking! (Our youth football plays were drawn by real NFL coaches, and include coaching notes and player assignments!)

Call What You Practice. Practice What You Call.
As you plan your next football practice consider this. Do you call what you practice and do you practice what you call in a game?...

3 Reasons You Need A Screen Pass
Coaching it up requires work and practice time but here are 3 reasons FirstDown PlayBook thinks you need a screen pass in your offense....

FirstDown PlayBook Drag & Drop
FirstDown PlayBook Drag & Drop allows you to stay organized. Coaching football requires adjustments as you keep everyone on the same page....

Are You Teaching Offensive Line Levels & Splits?
How detailed are you about teaching offensive line splits? Good high school football and youth football coaches understand the value....

Check Out Last Of The Fullbacks
FirstDown PlayBook is always excited when we can help football coaches deliver great content. That's exactly what Last of the Fullbacks does....

Youth Football Defense Angle Stunt
Okay, you have played your first youth football game or two and your Pop Warner defense is getting better. You have been disciplined about teaching the basic defensive fundamentals invo...

Preparing For Goal Line Offense & Defense
Your goal line offense and your goal line defense are just another clear example of how all football is situational football....

Powerful Pop Warner 2 Back Slot Formation
Want to run and pass the football with your Pop Warner team? This FirstDown PlayBook 2 Back Slot youth football formation is screaming....

Defend Your Youth Football Opponent. Not Grass.
Odds are heavy that your youth football opponent does not have a quarterback or receivers who can hurt you. Use that to your advantage....

Youth Football Wing T Complimentary Plays
Your Pop Warner offense needs complimentary plays when you run this youth football Wing T offense. Here's why....

Shrink Your Kickoff Coverage Field
The first play your football team will execute this season will involve special teams and it will take place on a kickoff coverage field....

FirstDown PlayBook Coaching Points
The FirstDown PlayBook Coaching Points are one example of what makes us different when it comes to football playbook help. ...