Football Scouting Report Made Easy

A lot of high school and small college football programs don’t attempt to create a professional scouting report on their opponents because they think it’s beyond their reach. The result is that they throw something together that the players won’t look at or even worse, they don’t have a football scouting report.
Creating a professional looking football scouting report is like a lot of things in football. It just requires a little work up front. In this case it involves creating your templates for the information you will need during your football season.
For most football coaches this means basic information like:
- Your Opponent’s Coaching Staff Along With Record & Scores
- Roster & Key Players Along With Depth Charts
- Favorite Formations, Plays, Defenses, Coverages Etc
The new FirstDown PlayBook scouting report tool allows you to easily create this so that when you get into the season, it becomes a matter of just filling in the blanks. Rosters and stats can be uploaded in minutes. This is a huge feature for our Full Team members.
As a football coach, we all need to pause and think like a high school football player every now and then. As a football player we always were curious about who we were going to play that week. If a coach can provide that information to your players on their phone or tablet, the value is immeasurable.

This 60 Second Video Shows How You Can Create Great Football Scouting Reports