Ben Johnson & Dan Campbell’s PlayBook

Calm down Coach. No, you are not going to get Ben Johnson’s or Dan Campbell’s playbook here. You won’t get Aaron Glenn’s either. Go check out Twitter. They will lie to you and say they have it. That is the point today. Trust me when I say Ben Johnson has protected all of the football playbook work he has ever done for the Detroit Lions. Here is a safer bet. Dan Campbell and the Detroit Lions have protected everything Ben has ever drawn up too.
You and I cannot get their playbook work. However; you can bet that all sides covered their rear end as Ben Johnson and Aaron Glenn walked out the door to well deserved head coaching jobs. It wasn’t always that way. Back in the day, you might walk out to take a new job without a printed copy of your playbook work, much less a digital one.
Stop Wasting Time Drawing Formation Templates
My guess is that most of you walk out of your school doors empty handed if you get hired somewhere else or get fired. It is senseless and careless. It is also avoidable but only if you appreciate your hard work the way that Dan Campbell, Aaron Glen and Ben Johnson do.
Have You Protected Your PlayBook Work?
At the end of the day, no one owns football plays. You would be surprised at how we had to explain that to lawyers when we first started FirstDown PlayBook. In their world, they thought no one could run a play that had previously been run in football. It was obvious that they had no idea that plagiarism is the greatest form of flattery in football.

Back to you. You have a playbook. You have football intellectual property. If you do not then you just have not coached long enough. Is this just bluster? Nope. Fact. Tell me what profession you would be looking to hire someone who brought no previous work experience with them? That would be either an entry level job, a very specialized job or a painfully ordinary job.
A 6 Month FirstDown PlayBook Membership Gets You To The Football Season
If you are a young football coach, protect your playbook work. If you are a head coach or athletic director protect your school’s work too just like Dan Campbell’s playbook is protected. In 99% of the cases out there both of these things can be achieved. Most of us in this profession are good people and can part ways amicably.
The hard part is the technology that allows both parties to grow from the experience. That is where FirstDown PlayBook and FastBreak PlayBook come into the picture. We have moved in out of buildings before just like NFL coaches. We make it easy for you to take your playbook work with you.
Your intellectual property is no less valuable to you and your new job than it is for the Chicago Bears and Ben Johnson or Aaron Glenn. If you think I am exaggerating go ask your family who has supported you on all of those nights at home during the season without you. They will tell you your work is just as important as Dan Campbell’s playbook.