
Finding defensive football help on the web that can actually help you is a rare feat. At first glance it looks like there is an abundance of resources. Scratch beneath the surface and you find that there is nothing but the surface. Defense is rarely addressed correctly on the internet.
The internet is a pretty easy place to coach football. There is no pressure to get your call in on time. You normally draw one play, defense or special teams scheme up and you do it vs a good look.
Coaching on Friday nights and even at practice is not quite like that. Ask any experienced defensive coach and they will tell you getting lined up in a sound defense to all of the different formations is the biggest challenge.
This is not to mention all of the trades, shifts and motions that offensive coordinators like to throw at you. When we draw up your FirstDown PlayBook defensive football help we try to keep all of this in mind.
We take all of this into consideration when we design the FirstDown PlayBook varsity and youth defensive sections. We get great satisfaction when we show this to a high school or college defensive coordinator and their eyes light up.

Youth Football Defense Angle Stunt
Okay, you have played your first youth football game or two and your Pop Warner defense is getting better. You have been disciplined about teaching the basic defensive fundamentals invo...

Football Play Drawing Short Cuts Save You Time
The more ways FirstDown PlayBook can save a football coach time with your football play drawing the better off we are both going to be....

Preparing For Goal Line Offense & Defense
Your goal line offense and your goal line defense are just another clear example of how all football is situational football....

Defend Your Youth Football Opponent. Not Grass.
Odds are heavy that your youth football opponent does not have a quarterback or receivers who can hurt you. Use that to your advantage....

Football PlayBook Detail That Matters
Football season is about to kick off and you are going to see first hand just how much your high school football playbook detail matters...

FirstDown PlayBook Coaching Points
The FirstDown PlayBook Coaching Points are one example of what makes us different when it comes to football playbook help. ...

Opponent Scouting Report Templates
Soon you and your football team will turn your attention to game one and your opponent scouting report. Take a look....

Football Coaching Intellectual Property
High school football coaches who don't protect their football coaching intellectual property often have little chance for advancement....

Flag Football Defense Changeup
If you are coaching NFL Flag aged players who are a little more experienced we like this flag football defense changeup....

FirstDown PlayBook Scouting Report
The new FirstDown PlayBook Scouting Report tool will allow Full Team members to import rosters, schedules and create depth charts in minutes....

Pop Warner 5-3 Defense In Find A PlayBook
Attention all Pop Warner youth football coaches. You can now find the 5-3 Defense in Find a PlayBook and in Find a Play....

How to Find The 3-2-6 Defense
This 3-2-6 defense is an aggressive approach to defending the spread. You can easily find it in the FirstDown PlayBook Spread Beaters area....