Can I Take My Playbook Work With Me?

I normally try to not write about the same thing here very much. After all, there is so much ball to draw up and coaching to talk about. However; this is an absolute theme right now. It is astounding to us that in the year 2024 so many of you do not own your playbook work.
We get the question almost every day. Some of you are FirstDown PlayBook coaches who are changing jobs. Others are the unfortunate ones who are not using FirstDown PlayBook. They have realized that anything they did on hudl for the past four years is not their playbook work now that they are changing jobs.
If you organize your playbook work the way that FirstDown PlayBook let’s you, it is a powerful interview tool. This really gets back to FirstDown PlayBook’s roots. When you change jobs as many times as I did then you understand that it is important to protect your intellectual property. Keep in mind that often times your IP is little to no use for anyone else but you. So why don’t they let you have it?
Got Hired? Got Fired? Either Way You Own Your PlayBook Work With FirstDown PlayBook
It’s simply that it is extra work on their part to get your playbook to you. The technology that they have charged you for is not set up for you and your career changes. It is set up to be a simple add on to make more money.

Here is the crazy thing. Most coaches go to the next school or job and do the exact same thing. The insanity repeats itself until a young bright 26 year old coach wakes up one day and is 41 without anything to show for it. As they watch ESPN and see a 34 year old get a head job they wonder “Why not me?”.
To get back to the point. FirstDown PlayBook handles any playbook transfer you can imagine. Get a new job? Check. Get fired? Check. Assistant coach getting a head coaching job? Once again, check. This means offense, defense and of course special teams.
Meet Your FirstDown PlayBook East Coast Rep Caleb Holfoth
Invest in yourself and retain your football playbook work. Trust me when I say that the coaches you see who are advancing in our profession have done this and without it you will struggle. Click here to take a short free trial. After that one of our FirstDown PlayBook coaches will contact you about a one week free trial so you can begin owning your playbook work.