football playbook

3 Bad Youth Football Offenses

3 Bad Youth Football Offenses

by FirstDown PlayBook on Mar 14, 2021

Three examples of offenses we think are bad for youth football and also things that might help you if you face them....

Create Your Red Zone Pass Plays

Create Your Red Zone Pass Plays

by FirstDown PlayBook on Mar 8, 2021

Every play in FirstDown PlayBook is a red zone play because we let you choose the field background that you want for any play you draw or edit...

Goal Line Defense: What’s Your Call?

Goal Line Defense: What’s Your Call?

by FirstDown PlayBook on Mar 5, 2021

The play drawing below is one example of what you will find in the FirstDown PlayBook short yardage and goal line section....

Flag Football Plays Chalk Talk: 9 Route

Flag Football Plays Chalk Talk: 9 Route

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 24, 2021

The number one myth about stretching the flag football field vertically is that you have to throw it deep. This is not true....

You Choose The Player’s Size On Drawings

You Choose The Player’s Size On Drawings

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 21, 2021

The younger players need play diagrams with big bold players and color. When it comes to older players, the scale of the field is important....

Three Common 7on7 Mistakes

Three Common 7on7 Mistakes

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 19, 2021

Here are three very common 7on7 mistakes we see each year around this time of year that can be avoided by coaches....

Red Zone Football Plays With Options

Red Zone Football Plays With Options

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 15, 2021

If you can call the same red zone football play multiple times in a game and have answers regardless of the defense that is powerful....

The “Beast” Offense Is Bad For Youth Football

The “Beast” Offense Is Bad For Youth Football

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 13, 2021

We do not think the youth football "Beast' offense adds any value to our game. We think it is damaging to our game and even more so to the young players....

We Have Your PlayBook Transfer Covered

We Have Your PlayBook Transfer Covered

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 8, 2021

Rule number one here at FirstDown PlayBook is "Coaches never lose their work." So if and when you find yourself needing to transfer your work, just call us....

3-3 Stack Defense Install Begins

3-3 Stack Defense Install Begins

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 6, 2021

FirstDown PlayBook works hard to tailor our football playbook sections to your needs. So we are going to install a 3-3 Stack defense....

Chiefs Seal It With a Palmetto Pick

Chiefs Seal It With a Palmetto Pick

by FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 2, 2021

The Clemson alum pops the ball up in the air and his teammate from the University of South Carolina comes off the bracket on Beasley and does the rest!...

8 Man & 6 Man Football Defense Set

8 Man & 6 Man Football Defense Set

by FirstDown PlayBook on Jan 30, 2021

We are happy to let you know that the 6 man football and 8 man football defensive side of the ball is now getting up to speed....