Keeping “Football” In Football PlayBook

By FirstDown PlayBook on Jun 11, 2021

We have always been that company. Or maybe a better way to put it is, we quickly became that company. When someone starts a business the intentions are usually pretty pure. This company had a dream about how to do a better football playbook.

There are enough people out in the world who need something and you have an idea about how to help them with that need. As you begin on this journey it is never that simple though.

Along your path, there are always many twists and turns and yes, even roadblocks. In order to navigate these things you can end up doing things that dilute the company, the product and even your core values.

Early on we made the decision here at FirstDown PlayBook to say “Thanks but no thanks.” Every day that we get up we make our decisions based on you, the football coach, not what an investor or a “non-football” person wants.

This has allowed us to keep the “football” in the football playbook. Thankfully you have noticed our hard work over the past several years and it has been a “win win” situation.

So today we just want to thank you for your support, your input and especially your patience as we have developed over the past several years.

As a football coach, we know you understand what it’s like to develop a player or a team. Here at FirstDown PlayBook we are doing the same thing. We are excited about your new FirstDown PlayBook website and the path ahead!

With respect,

Charlie Coiner