Flag Football Plays

FirstDown PlayBook Help If You Want It
The FirstDown PlayBook Help section is a lot like the FirstDown PlayBook website. It is simple and easy for a coach to find their way around....

3 Ways Our Flag Football Plays Are Better
Why are the FirstDown PlayBook flag football plays better than what you get anywhere else including places like NFL Flag? ...

6 Month Full Team Account Gets You To December
A FirstDown PlayBook 6 month Full Team account will get your high school program or your entire youth football league into December....

3 Reasons To Run Flag Football Jet Sweep
Flag football offenses that throw the ball every time usually fail. Here are 3 reasons a flag football jet sweep is a good run changeup....

Flag Football Zone Defense Pros & Cons
There are pros and cons to playing flag football zone defense. What is essential is that you understand where you are strong and weak....

5v5 Flag Football Trips RPO
This flag football trips formation play gives you options. Is it a jet sweep, or a sprint out to the flood side? Maybe it's a RPO?...

FirstDown PlayBook: All Web Browsers & Devices.
FirstDown PlayBook and FastBreak PlayBook work on all web browsers and all devices. Go anywhere else and buyer beware......

Simple Short Flag Football Passes
Your young flag football quarterback needs your help. Take a look at the young arm and make smart flag football passes a part of your plan....

Flag Football Curl Flat Read
The flag football curl flat concept stretches the defense horizontally and vertically. It is effective no matter what numbers you play with....

4v4 Flag Football Help Too
Just because you coach 4v4 flag football does not mean you can't get a little creative with your play calling every now and then....

Take A Flag Football Pass Shot But…
Taking a flag football pass shot brings the same risk as it does in tackle football. Namely...a sack. Here's how to do it intelligently....

FirstDown PlayBook 4v4 Flag Football Too
FirstDown PlayBook serves a lot of different flag football programs. It can be anything from 11v11 to 4v4 flag football & it's all good....