New! My Tools & Practice Schedules

If it seems like you are seeing the word “New” a lot about FirstDown PlayBook, that’s because you are. Today the “New” is the addition of Practice Schedules in FirstDown PlayBook. This is one that we know a lot of you have been waiting for.
Let’s first point you to where you can find this. You will notice that we have created a brand new “My Tools” area on the left hand dashboard. This is going to be where you will find your Templates and now the new Practice Schedules area. Eventually, this is where your practice scripts, wristband sheets and other coaching tools will live.
The Practice Schedules area is very simple and easy to use. Once you open the area up, you will see that we provide you with a template to get started. You can edit that template to suit your needs. After that save the practice schedule for future use or to print out.
Adding a Video Clip Is Easy On FirstDown PlayBook

If you are on a Team account, you will notice that multiple coaches can have access and keep their practice schedules separate from everyone else. Once you begin saving your practice schedules, you can then just duplicate them. You can then make any small edits you need for the current specific practice. This is a tremendous time saver.
The New Coaching Tools Area Will House My Templates & Practice Schedules
Finally, you may want to just save a copy of a practice shell. You can then pass that blank copy around to all of your position coaches. They can each write in their plan for that day. After that, your graduate assistant or quality control coach can go back and type in the plan on a finished neat version for your coordinator and or head coach.
Practice Scripts Too!
Take a quick look at this short video as we walk you through the simple steps to get you started. This is obviously an area that you can can have set up well before you ever start practice. We are certain that the Practice Schedules area in My Tools will be heavily used!