How Finding FirstDown PlayBook Plays Can Help You
Finding FirstDown PlayBook plays can be an eye opening thing for a football coach. Many of us are so used to just doing things the way they have always been done that it hurts us. Today we are going to break it down into 3 reasons that every football coach can benefit from this part of FirstDown PlayBook.
You may be in one or all these categories. However, the point is that when you understand what this part of FirstDown PlayBook does for you it is a game changer. We will break it down into three very simple reasons that finding FirstDown PlayBook plays can help you and your football staff.
Finding FirstDown PlayBook Plays Saves You Time
We all get 24 hours in a day. You, us, Nick Saban and every other human on the planet. Yes, FirstDown PlayBook offers you the best drawing tool available but we did not stop there. We have taken the time to draw and catalog thousands and thousands of football plays, defenses and special teams schemes for you.
We have taken the time to do this so you won’t have to. Face it. You draw your favorite ball plays up vs the same defenses week after week and year after year. This is time spent with a practice card that could be spent on preparing for your individual or group practice period.
With FirstDown PlayBook, you simply go and find the play or defense you are looking for. Then you make your edits to that play and save it into your playbook area. This saves you so much time instead of drawing everything up from scratch. We like to say that we can draw your plays up in half the time you can because we already have your plays 90% done.
FirstDown PlayBook Plays Provide Coaching Points From NFL Coaches
When you find FirstDown PlayBook plays you don’t just find the offensive play drawn up vs one defense. You don’t just find the defense fitted up vs one formation. FirstDown PlayBook understands that in order to really help you we need to be as detailed as you are. This is why we draw up all of our plays vs multiple looks.
Your players will generally learn from a well drawn football play. That is why we take the time to draw them so well and offer you the technology to do the same. As a coach, you normally like to have player assignments and coaching points as well. Our plays provide you with things like QB reads and other helpful coaching notes. Yes, you can edit these too as you begin to create your own playbook sections.
FirstDown PlayBook Flag Plays Are Easier To Find To
When we say that “we” draw these plays and defenses for you the “we” is important. The “we” are NFL coaches. This way you can be sure that you are looking at good sound football help that is hard to find out there. It is comforting to know that all you need to do is make an edit or two and you are ready to go.
Many coaches use FirstDown PlayBook in the off-season as a clinic. When you attend a clinic you have to jot down what the coach is talking about and then transfer it to your football playbook install. Not with FirstDown PlayBook. See something your team can use? it’s already drawn up for you. Make a few edits and you are good to go! Once again, you are saving valuable time.
Interesting, isn’t it? You can learn more by watching this short video and don’t forget FirstDown PlayBook gives you a chance to see what we do with a free trial. Be sure to check that out too.