Special Teams
We receive a lot of compliments about our Special Teams section on FirstDown PlayBook and it’s not surprising. Oh we know that the Special Teams section is not why most coaches sign up but once the season gets going and the bullets start flying, that’s when this comes in very handy.
In fact we had one head coach who told us that his staff is using FirstDown PlayBook as reference tool and his offensive and defensive staffs really found it useful. Then he went on to say that in his opinion the real plus for his staff was the Special Teams section.
This does not surprise us. During the thirty some years that I coached I would always visit with high school or college coaches in the off season and one common request was “Coach, do you have any good stuff on Special Teams?”
I would always try to spend time on it but that’s the problem. There is only so much time. That’s what makes FirstDown PlayBook’s Special Teams section so great. It is essentially a Special Teams clinic on your laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Specialists Training Camp Approach
2023 training camp is going to be different for everyone this year but it is always a unique time for kickers and punters. ...
Super Bowl Champ Dave Toub’s Point Chart
Longtime NFL special teams coach and recent Super Bowl champion Dave Toub has shared his grading system with us on the FirstDown PlayBook website....
Kickoff Return “Look Off” Technique
A look off technique is when a blocker fakes like he is going to block a cover guy, only to pivot and block the player adjacent to him....
Two Steps Mean Less Is More For A Kicker
The 2 step kicking approach allows you to be more efficient to the ball as well as several other benefits we will point out....
Place Kickers: 2 Eyes Are Better Than 1 Leg
The Better You Are With Your Eyes, The Better Your Chance Of Making The Kick! You will make a lot of kicks if you are good with your eyes....
Kickoff Coverage With Defensive Terms
If you coach defense don't turn your nose up at coaching kickoff coverage. It is your first defensive play and if it goes badly you are going to pay for it....
Teach Young Kickers To Hit Higher Deeper Kickoffs!
When it comes to kickoffs the longer the approach, the more room for error. The faster the approach, the more room for error....
Strength Program For Your Specialists Too
Kicking is one explosive movement. Train like an athlete through explosive movements. Weight training, Sprints, Box-Jumps, Agility work, Core exercises....
Punt Block Or Pass Rush This Twist Stunt Works
The "Twist" technique is not used exclusively for rushing the punt. This technique is executed exactly the same way when two Defensive Lineman rush a QB....
40 Seconds Left. Gamecocks Attempt 57 Yard Field Goal.
End of the Georgia and South Carolina game and the Gamecocks had the ball 4th and 3 at the Georgia 40 yard line with 40 seconds left in regulation....
Kickoff Coverage Techniques Show Up This Weekend
Teaching your kickoff coverage players when to avoid a one on one block and when to take it on with a two gap technique is always tricky. ...
Special Teams Factor Into NFL Training Camp
Putting together an NFL roster is a complicated thing. You are selecting you team at the same time that every other organization is doing the same thing....