Flag Football Plays & Coaching
With the rise of flag football’s popularity over the past few years, there has been a growing need for pre-drawn flag football plays and tools specifically designed for flag football coaches and players to help them elevate their game.
Fortunately, FirstDown PlayBook is here to help! Our Coaches Community site provides invaluable flag football coaching advice, and our Flag Football Play Library & Drawing Software gives coaches the tools they need to get ahead in this increasingly competitive sport.
Easily search our play library to find flag football plays that fit your team’s offense and/or defense perfectly! We have hundreds of editable 4v4, 5v5, 6v6, 7v7, and 8v8 flag football plays drawn up by professional coaches, with detailed coaching notes included in each one. You can also find printable flag football playbooks, wristband sheets, and practice schedules, or create your own!
In combination with the advice offered in our Coaches Community, our online play drawing & playbook tool will change the way you look at flag football plays and playbooks forever.
FDPB Find A Play: NFL Flag I Bone
We hear it from NFL Flag coaches every year saying,"I need some very simple plays that my young flag football offense can execute."...
Can’t Complain About Football Budget & Waste Money
Hard to rationalize going to your Athletic Director complaining about your football budget and then wasting money on your playbook solution....
Tons Of Trick Plays In “Find A Play”
One coach favorite that we can always bank on is the demand for FirstDown PlayBook trick plays. There are several good reasons for that....
Adult Flag Football Defense 101
When the NFL Pro Bowlers line up to play flag football defense on February 5 it will be a great lab test of how important scheme is. ...
Flag Football Trick Plays On Your TV?
Many of the FirstDown PlayBook flag football trick plays are very similar to what you are seeing on your TV right now....
Defending Flag Football Bunch Sets
You see a lot of man coverage played in flag football leagues out there. This is why defending flag football bunch sets is a challenge....
6v6 Flag Football Man Beater
This 6v6 flag football man beater out of bunch formation is a great way to beat the man coverage you see so much in flag football....
Your Coaching Job Is Unique To Your Situation
Your coaching job is unique to your situation. Good coaches recognize this and build with it in mind when it comes to choosing resources....
Spend More Time With Your Players
We have a question for you. Have you spent more time with your players or kids this season or have you spent more time on your computer?...
Ways To Disguise Your Flag Football Coverage
One problem flag football defensive coaches have is that the flag football coverage you play can be obvious even before the ball is snapped....
Flag Football Route Tree & Others Easier To Find
For years coaches have given us input on how to make FirstDown PlayBook better. This is how we developed a flag football route tree....
Flag Football Quarterback Reads
Flag football quarterback reads are a must if you want to avoid having plays that just rely on throwing the ball up for grabs....