NFL Flag Football Angle Concept

It can be hard to find flag football plays for your NFL Flag team that are simple enough for your players, yet complex enough to defeat the defense. Many coaches pull their hair out weekly trying to figure this out. Let’s look at this flag football angle concept as a possible answer.
FirstDown PlayBook wants to offer you a solution that involves an NFL Flag football scheme with a progression read. The difference is that the routes involved are short and easy to complete.
Youth flag football coaches should realize that this is no slight to their coaching knowledge. Nor is it a statement about their team’s ability. A close look at the NFL will reveal the same type of plays. These plays are often run on first down to stay on schedule. The NFL coaches are counting on the same thing that you should count on, yards after catch (YAC).
This Flag Football Angle Concept Shows Up On Sundays Too
Youth football coaches should not be intimidated by phrases like “progression read” either. This is just a term that tells your quarterback to read the receivers on a pass play one, two, three in that order. Essentially, your quarterback will throw the ball to the first open receiver.
Can Your Youth Football O-Line Block Multiple Fronts?
Today, we will detail a very simple but effective flag football pass play for any level of football. As we point out in the video, you can take this flag football Angle concept and use the FirstDown PlayBook play editor to conform it for your team. After that you can create your wristband sheets and you are off and running!