Free Safety Gets Involved On This Zone Dog Pressure

When you dial up a zone dog pressure, this one should be on your list. This is our Frisco Fire Zone pressure. You have to cheat the free safety’s alignment to get him in position to get home, but that’s okay. Is he coming down to cover the running back or tight end out of the backfield or coming on the pressure? The offense really doesn’t know. The rewards outweigh the risk.
Bringing the free safety on a zone dog pressure can take some nerves of steel especially if your strong safety is not real comfortable in the deep middle of the field. However, the offense is not thinking about a different rotation by the safeties either. The element of surprise is on your side.
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This is a zone dog pressure and zone coverage that makes you feel a lot better when you dial it up. Why? The offensive line has to adjust on the fly and include your free safety in their count or the quarterback is not going to have much time anyway.
This Frisco Zone Dog Pressure Makes The O-line Adjust On The Fly
Oh yeah, When you do your scouting report do this. Make sure to coach that drop end to look up #2 (the slot) on the hot throw because it just might hit him in the face mask!