Flag Football Chalk Talk

By FirstDown PlayBook on Feb 3, 2021

Introducing our new FirstDown PlayBook Flag Football Chalk Talk. It’s a place where flag football coaches can come to learn and share flag football coaching tips. We will not waste your time. It will be all flag football all the time with no fluff. Subscribe here!

The Curl/Flat route combination, which is commonly referred to as “Hank”, is a staple pass game concept for any level of football. It is based on sound football fundamentals that hold up vs man and zone coverage.

Flag Football Plays Chalk Talk: Throwing The 9 Route

Hank allows a coach to give a quarterback clear definitive coaching on the read. If you want to read the open receiver it fits perfectly. If you want to read defenders, that’s even better.

We really like Hank for a flag football play. Today, we are going to take you through the coaching progression for a 7v7 flag football version of the play. We will detail it vs cover 2, vs cover 3 and man coverage.

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After that, we will apply the same coaching progression to a 5v5 flag football play. As you will see, the teaching remains much the same. You just need to adjust your splits and quarterback instruction slightly to fit your age group.

FirstDown PlayBook thinks this is as important as ever. Flag football leagues are sprouting up everywhere. Allowing your young flag football player access to sound coaching at a young age is going to help everyone involved!