Attached Receiver Hot Route Fundamentals

As we watch football this time of season, it is not unusual to see defenses bringing the house to heat up the opposing quarterback. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. More often than not the difference in a win for the offense or defense is tied into the offense’s hot route fundamentals.
These are the times when the announcer shows that the offensive line has picked up five defenders. They also point out how the quarterback has to get rid of the ball because the defense has brought one more than can be protected. Today we want to look at the mistake that is rarely pointed out. Namely, hot route fundamentals.
Sometimes the problem is that the quarterback, tight end or receiver do not understand that they are hot. However; just as often the case is that the attached receiver knows he’s hot, but the technique is poorly executed.
When you design your pass game your offensive line coach should be in the room. The stakes are high every time your quarterback drops back. A lot of bad things can happen. Sack, fumble and quarterback injury are some that come to mind.
Any time you put a pass play in your game plan you should think about these things:
1. Can the offensive line, tight ends and backs pick up any and all pressure that can be called up by the defense?
2. Is there another play that the quarterback can check to getting him out of a bad situation?
3. Is there another protection that the quarterback can check to that picks up the pressure if he sees it pre-snap?
4. Do you have built in hots and sights that will give the quarterback a place to go with the ball if he is unprotected?
In this video above the offensive line does a great job of switching the protection on the snap to pick up the pressure to the strong side. The tight end has no way of knowing this so he runs a “friendly” hot route and the quarterback takes advantage of this.
If Your Hot Route Fundamentals Are Poor Sacks Will Happen
There is technique involved with throwing and running a hot route. Often times panic sets in on the part of the quarterback or receiver and a relatively easy throw is not completed.
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The “friendly hot is not the only type of hot route that needs to be mastered. Often times on an outbreaking route the tight end or receiver may just expedite his route for the quarterback. However if the tight end is running a vertical or in breaking route the “friendly’ route is an excellent way to make himself available to the quarterback.
Examples Of Routes That Require Friendly Hot Route Fundamentals Be Taught
1. Teach your “hot” receiver to communicate what he sees. The hot receiver should tell the tackle and even the quarterback if he can. The more people on the same page the better.
2. Relax. If the hot receiver tenses up he is likely to spaz out when the throw is going to be a nice short five yard toss that saves the quarterback.
3. The hot receiver should look as quickly as possible. The hot route must not only be available but the quarterback must also see that he is available.
4. Coach the hot receiver to give the quarterback his numbers when running a “friendly” hot route as in the video above. Give the quarterback a nice easy target as he will likely be retreating with pressure in his face.

5. Finally, don’t get depth with the route. Look and stay put! You can see in the video above how the tight end has room to work after the catch.
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The last point to make is that hot routes are just like everything else in football. You must practice hot routes to get good at them. Working on this pre-practice as the quarterbacks are getting their arms loose is a good time to do this. Stealing five minutes during a special teams period is also a good time.
There are many systems out there and some do not even use hots and sights in their passing game. However; if you are throwing the ball a lot, reinforcing the points made above will help prevent a sack or even worse a quarterback injury.