Are You Teaching Offensive Line Levels & Splits?

By FirstDown PlayBook on Sep 9, 2024
The #1 Tool for Youth Football Coaches

You can learn a lot from football play drawings, especially if they are done well. However, a football drawing does not and really should not show every small thing that happens on a football play. This pertains to offensive line splits too. This is true for all levels of football. NFL, college football, high school football to a Pop Warner youth football team.

We used to have a saying in our Tight Ends’ meeting room at the Buffalo Bills that went “Don’t let the drawing get you in trouble”.  Football drawings are designed to show assignments and scheme not technique.

Here’s an example of what we mean. We want to focus on a youth football play here. However; we are looking at you too, high school football coaches. Odds are, this play drawing is probably more detailed than what you are used to at any level. This is one of our FirstDown PlayBook youth football play drawings. You will notice that the big guys are all on the same level at the line of scrimmage. Also, all of their splits are exactly the same. Realistically this is not the way the game is played.

Offensive Line Splits & Levels Are Critical If You Want To Be An Offensive Line Coach

If your offensive line plays the actual game like this, they are playing at a severe disadvantage. Make no mistake, it is a clean drawing and it does what it intends to do. Teach the players their assignments. The play below reflects more accurately how the offensive linemen should be lined up. Let’s take a look at the importance of coaching splits and levels.

You will notice that the left guard is on a different level than the rest of the line. The guard is off the ball more because he is pulling and that will help him or her get their job done. The same goes for the right tackle who is off the ball so that they can take over the zone block from the right guard. The FirstDown PlayBook LineMen View allows a coach the luxury of drawing this accurately.

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Another close look will also reveal that the left tackle has cut his split down to help him accomplish his down block on the play side 3 technique. The right tackle should actually cheat his split as well to help with the zone block.

Our point here is that coaching splits and levels are important for an offensive line. They should be coached in a manner so that the players know when to use them on their own.

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If you coach at the high school football level we think you should include that in your drawings at least in your individual meetings. That is really a personal choice. However, making sure your offensive line understands them is a big time edge, even if you are coaching a youth football team.

FirstDown PlayBook offers you 12 different youth football formations. These are only our youth football formations. Many more for you if you coach high school or college football. Tap on any one of the tiles below to visit the article describing that formation. After reading the article then go join FirstDown PlayBook and get busy coaching.

Lou Ford Youth Football